“佛教里说,你所需要的东西都在你心中,莫向外求,没有东西,没有人,也没有地方,可以让你生活得圆满或者让你幸福。” 而不丹真正厉害的地方就在于,它实践幸福,但从不表演幸福。 一年前的起心动念,一年前的因缘际会,一年前的因着内心所求,与一群志同道合的来自天南海北的伙伴们经由尼泊尔第三国入境,去到了不丹🇧🇹——这个未与中国建交,却离得如此之近的位于中国与印度之间喜马拉雅山脉东段南坡的国家。
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Trongsa Dzong is the largest dzong fortress in Bhutan, located in Trongsa (formerly Tongsa) in Trongsa district, in the centre of the country. Built on a spur overlooking the gorge of the Mangde River, a temple was first established at the location in 1543 by the Drukpa lama, Ngagi Wangchuk son of Ngawang Chhojey. In […]
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